Phyllostachys vivax is among the tallest bamboo that can be grown in the Northwest.  High forming branches give vivax an arborescent appearance, making it a good choice for shielding 2nd and 3rd story windows or above fence lines while keeping an airy understory.  It's realistic to expect 30'+ canes within five years from a relatively small grove.  Wide and long dark green leaves lend it a tropical look.  Ours has been very easy to keep contained using the mounding/root prune technique.  Vivax also grows well in large containers and makes a great choice as a deck plant or patio privacy. 

'Aureocaulis' is the buttery yellow form of vivax and it doesn't disappoint as a compliment attracting feature plant.  It often exhibits varying widths of vertical green stripes for added wow factor.  Plant vivax on the S/SW/W side of the yard in full sun if possible.  The morning and setting sunlight streaming through the glowing yellow canes is beautiful, there really isn't anything quite like it.

See also: